Saturday 18 June 2016


First contact

We first saw them as the warm wind of summer was starting to cool and become wet. At first they kept their distance in their strange enormous ships, but after a few days they made ground. The strangers looked like us but had things on their bodies we had never seen before.

The first time they landed we kept them away with our weapons but only for a few minutes before their technology overwhelmed us after killing my brother.  We pulled back into the bush away from our homes and observed the aliens.

They moved around the local country taking samples of everything. It was only a matter of time before we personally encountered them. It was obvious their technology and ways were far different to ours.

After a few days they tried to make contact with us but we were very wary as news of the death spread quickly and we wanted nothing to do with the invaders. A week after they came they vanished and we were able to return back to our homes. We thought we'd never see then again and over time relaxed back into our normal lives.


Eighteen summers later they were back, they once again landed but this time there were thousands of them. They quickly forced us right out of our homes, killed any that resisted and established their city.

It wasn't long before they brought their foreign beasts and planted their foods in our lands pushing us further and further back. Every contact involved death so we soon learned to avoid them no matter what. We were powerless.


After a year of skirmishes with our warriors a strange sickness befell our people with nearly every family affected. We think they did it deliberately to get rid of us.


Over the coming years more and more of them arrive. They push is further and further inland taking the best lands for themselves. In time they start to take our people interrogating and imprisoning people at from their families.


The persecution age dispossesion became too much and for six long years we fight back. Gorilla fighters launched skirmish attacks on their weak points. For a time it seemed we might win until their warriors attacked and caused enormous death among our people.


More and more arrived over time and it wasn't long before the best coastal land was all occupied and influx into the mountains and great flood plains pushed us further age further back. Through necessity we cooperated and started to work due by side with the invaders. This worked until they wanted something we had then death would again ensue.

After a time we were given identification and passports that allowed us to visit our homes and land but we were not allowed to return to our homes unless it was under the control of the invaders.

In the South they even tried to make a treaty but really it was just another way to take our land.

Life settled down as we settled into uneasy cooperation and in some cases servitude and accepted living at the whim of the invaders. We had little choice.


Some invaders were not as bad or violent and started to teach us their culture and ways. Even these people were uncompromising and we had to abandon our ways and take up theirs.

If only there was a way to get rid of the ivaders. The people were not strong as us but their technology and weapons kept us mostly at bay.

Eventually even those that seemed kind decided this was taking too long and worked towards destroying our way of life by busting up our families, stealing our children to take and indoctrinate into their ways. Our culture was down trodden.

Our scholars had always thought that aliens if we ever met them would be kindly because they had better technology and travelled so far to meet us. We were horribly wrong. Over the next couple of hundred years our society was all but destroyed by the alien invaders.

That first meeting was in 1770 in Botany Bay. Decolonise your mind.

Saturday 31 October 2015

The Exodus Ark

Chapter One
TB145 Image from NASA JPL

The first we knew about  Asteroid 2015 TB145 was the photo we saw in the news sites, dubbed Creepy Space Skull by humanity. The rock was destined to graze the earth so said NASA in their statements to the media. Nothing to fear they said. It will simply rock by our planet’s orbit between us and the moon. It was big, but not big enough to make a difference to the planet they said.

Well, behind the scenes some of us knew better. Last time this rock passed the earth it meant the end of the dinosaurs. Last time it was here was about 65 million years ago. When TB145 passed by then it left a scorching climate change in its wake that only the hardiest and most adaptable small life survived. It wiped the planet nearly clean. 

These facts were not announced and any amateur astronomer or academic that said different was quickly denounced as a loony or simply vanished.

The first radar images of the rock came from Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. They were released and commented by Kelly Fast the Infrared Telescope Facility program scientist at NASA. They joked that it had donned a creepy costume for its Halloween flyby. Of course, all of this was designed by the best minds available to pacify humanity. To make a joke of the approaching rock. Some of us knew better. As far as most of the world knew near Earth tracking only discovered the rock weeks ago. Really it’s been predicted and confirmed for many years.

Once it became well understood exactly what impact the rock would have, it certainly wasn't going to impact the planet, any half skilled amateur with a telescope and an ability to do some mathematics could understand that. What wasn’t widely known was that when it passed between the moon and the earth, it did so at such high speed it would briefly and dramatically change the forces at play between the two bodies. The impacts upon the earth would be huge. Ranging from hardly anything at the poles to complete disruption of the fabric of the earth in the temperate areas where most humans live. Some people would survive the rending of the ground and massive eruptions of volcanos along with enormous simultaneous earthquakes along all existing fault lines where the great plates meet. The destruction of civilisation by the combination of earthquakes, tsunami waves and lava would be almost complete.

At that time construction of great stasis chambers was begun in Antarctica. Each would house 40 people in deep sleep. Each had its own power supply. Each had its own store of preserved food, seed bank, animals in stasis and established plant collections. It was hoped enough would survive. This was the only way to preserve humanity for certain.

Three months ago I found out when I was approached to lead an ark team.  I was informed that we would be in stasis for at least a year while the planet calmed down and the temperate areas became habitable again then locked into our stasis chamber for at least another three months after that to wake up and re-establish some social order. To ensure resilience, there are 250 teams of 40 people. Each with 4 adults and 36 children. The teams have been chosen for diverse biological and DNA background. The adults chosen for their ability to accept and adapt to protect and ensure survival of the children in their charge. The children when they emerge will in time form a new society and come to renew population of the planet.

Finding the adults was relatively easy, the world was scoured for people with particular characteristics. The leaders were found first. I've known for a year now and helped select my team of three from the available pool. Six months ago we were brought together and the other three informed. At that time we were segregated from our old lives – we simply vanished from the planet. Of course this caused grief and investigations but we knew we had to be strong. We had to leave our lives behind. The only consolation was if we had children under sixteen ourselves that they got to come along, but not in our ark – they would be in someone else’s to ensure there was as little favouritism as possible later.

A few days ago our 36 and four adults headed to the Antarctic to our stasis chamber. The kids and their parents think the kids are going to an ICE Adventure arranged through the schools of the world and would be back home in two weeks time. They were all told they’d been picked because of characteristics they’d shown at school. This part was true, the remainder, a story to placate the masses. We all cheerfully and excitedly said goodbye as we boarded our buses at Monash University and headed to the military airport in Sale. From there we flew in massive Hercules down south to Antarctica. Each ark crew in its own plane. We all knew there were others and thought that we’d be meeting up when we got there (well most of us did, the leaders knew better). 

On arrival, each ark crew was ushered into their chamber by the base personnel. These people would likely survive too and had a part to play in protecting each exodus ark chamber. The difference was they would be awake for the entire time and we would be in stasis. While the ark chamber’s systems were largely automatic, these people were the backup. They would also form the initial controlling body once everyone reawakened. It was felt they were necessary to take control of any remaining society that might survive beyond the chambers. 

On arrival the leaders found the surroundings familiar as we’d been here for months training for this day, learning the facilities, learning the techniques for managing the children we would be looking after.

Naturally the kids were totally excited but we convinced them to stow all of the gear they’d brought into their lockers and get changed into their camp uniforms. The uniforms were all soft clothing designed to be protective but also yielding so as not to damage the skin of the children while they slept. Then we all met on the floor of the chamber to start some get to know each other activities. 

This was the last time they would be conscious for the next year. Each of the adults wore a head set designed to deflect what was about to come.
As the children played the games and talked in the soft floored chamber a gentle soporific wave was generated, one by one and sometimes in groups they started to sleep. They simply collapsed wherever they were. Once all were unconscious each was checked by the base medical team then we loaded them into the individual chambers and hooked them up to the systems that would take them into deep sleep and protect them on the verge of death for the next year. Once this was done, the adults climbed into their own chambers and were similarly hooked up. Sleep came.

Outside on the 31st of October Skull Rock came and went, the predictions were right and the earth shuddered. Along the equator dormant volcanoes were the first sign of the impending doom for most of civilisation as they at first smoked then spewed forth great columns of lava, ash and rock into the sky obliterating the sun and plunging the planet into almost complete darkness. The earthquakes began within hours of the eruptions. The news media went wild before going silent as the power grid was destroyed. Around the globe millions perished in the waves of heat, vibration and water. Most of civilisation crumbled and was erased from the face of the planet. Here and there pockets survived but would face a very difficult future with no assured food supply and little or no sunlight until the volcanoes calmed and the skies cleared.

From above the personnel on the International Space Station watched what was going on below. They were the vanguard that would declare that it was safe to open the ark chambers and wake the sleeping inhabitants. That moment would be some time distant. While they waited, they charted where they could find light sources at night marking the likely places of adhoc survival. It would be important to know these places and make them known to the sleepers as they would likely form a tribal society with a local kingpin. Should the ISS not survive, the chambers would automatically awaken after one year, one chamber every three months to spread the load of looking after the awakening sleepers on those that were left.

In the chambers we waited, unaware of what was happening around us. 

What happened to Antarctica was a surprise to even those who predicted it would be stable. It became more than stable, it became a paradise, the earth’s poles shifted, rotation changed and old poles became the new equator with the new South pole at what was Madagascar and the new North pole through the wasteland that had been the bay adjacent to San Francisco but was now simply sea. San Francisco lost forever. Perhaps it will be found as the new Atlantis in the future. In these locations ice formed and in our location the world warmed. These changes finished the society more than the earth’s upheaval ever could have. The ark’s inhabitants and their supporters were now alone.

The new rotation calmed the volcanoes much quicker than anyone had expected and triggered the sleepers to be awakened early to their new world having slumbered for only a few months instead of the planned year.

End Chapter One.

Note that the image on this page is reproduced under implicit license from JPL

Thursday 23 April 2015

Green Can Dreaming

Agent h3rg1dri529's report was being robustly discussed in the Council. Heated were the discussions. The dreaming was lost, after only a bit over 200 of their years 40,000 years of history had stopped. The stories passed from Mother and Father to sons and daughters had stopped. The dreaming had come to an end. Great anger was present in the room. After time The Head simply jetted her ink to say ENOUGH. We shall send Ayi'ig. The silence was immediate. "We're sending the ender of all things?" a small ink jet queried? "It is necessary" replied The Head.

Ayi'ig was called from the distant cold dark world where she had self exiled after the last time. The time when things had gotten out of hand and a whole race had been... removed. She hid herself away to lumber in her guilt. No intelligent being should ever destroy another and she had destroyed an entire race.

Ayi'ig mulled over the message from The Head, unsure if to obey or not. She knew they were using her. Using her because she'd done their dirty work before. This didn't go well and in her anger she did it. She cleaned an entire race from the universe. It was only an eye blink ago for her, but for that world almost 40,000 of their years had passed.

Since that time another race had grown on that world in many tribes together and apart. Over time their dreams and stories reached the minds of The Council. The Council felt the joy and decided that while the actions of Ayi'ig were distasteful perhaps she'd been right.
Well if it must be done again, then Ayi'ig was ready.

Ayi'ig readied her ship with supplies and fuel and set out for the destination blue and green world in the distance. Ayi'ig relaxed in her wet control room enjoying the throbbing of the massive engines through the liquid that surrounded her. She decided to sleep and dream for the journey.
On arrival Ayi'ig's hung in the blue sky over the red earth. This exactly the same spot as list time when her efforts resulted in the terror when the reaction to her attempts to resolve the issue ended up with her hurling a massive red rock out of space into the middle of the red land below.

Above Ayi'ig communicated with h3rg1dri529 below and learned that last time she'd been wrong, the immense guilt lifted. The hurled rock had made the sky and land boil but it didn't destroy the bipeds. Then she learned the reason the dreaming had stopped. The bipeds of this land had mixed with the bipeds of many lands. Calling themselves people. There was confusion in the stories. So many voices had removed the harmony.

Sinking into the ocean, Ayi'ig left her ship and stretched her long limbs pirouetting and dancing in the water in the joy of being free and warm causing a mysterious froth on the surface.

Others had come to communicate, like her in shape and form but much much smaller they drifted in. She learned all the things that had happened since last time. She listened and understood. The bipeds again thought they were everything.They'd forgotten that the eight legs are intelligent and civilised.
Ayi'ig made her decision, it was time to remind them they were not alone. She resumed her position in her ship and rose out of the ocean back into the air emitting a terrible noise and vibration as she worked her engines against each other purely to attract attention.

On the ground she was quickly noticed. Hey Alby, call that hairy white fella Charles, tell him to come look. Tell him those idiots have got it wrong, this is the Green Can Dreaming. This is the one from our stories from long ago. Look at that thing hanging in the sky, it's beautiful.

The ship hung in the sky, a series of green cylinders connected by silver latticework with a gentle purple glow from the engine pods. Ayi'ig waited for the reaction she knew would come. First the bipeds gathered below then suddenly there were flying machines around her. Ungainly this spewing fumes into the atmosphere as they blasted around her. Still she waited.

After a time what she knew would come did, two of the flyers launched smaller flyers at her. The missiles blasted through air until reached her ship where they simply stopped. Held in stasis. For them time stopped just after they detonated. This continued and intensified until her ship resembled a sea urchin. A thought that made her giggle since her kind ate urchins before they ascended.

Once Ayi'ig had collected enough missiles she made it so that everything electronic stopped working. Carefully she guided all the flyers back to the ground with their panicked bipeds within. Her goal was to show her power not to kill. Time now stopped for everyone everywhere.

During her wait her and the others had learned where all the problem bipeds were. For each of them there was a missile. Instantly all the missiles vanished from around her and reappeared next to each of the intolerant. Time started again.

Every biped heard in their minds, "You are warned, your biped race is not alone in this world or in this universe. You will learn to get along with each other. From now attempts to kill or hurt will be stopped. The perpetrator frozen in time and transported to me. Remember I get hungry. Your devices of destruction you kindly gave me are scattered throughout your world. If I can do this, think about what else I might be able to do. Don't interfere with them the stasis is fragile they've already detonated and will unleash their fury if disturbed. They're there to remind you that we know who and where you are."

Ayi'ig knew some would try, some would be lost through their own actions. She hoped they would learn quickly. In the mean time it was time for her to talk to the Council. Her sanctions would work for a time, the callosal threat being enough for now. Agent h3rg1dri529 was going to need help.
Before departing Ayi'ig dropped back into the sea and took on a number of volunteer eight legs to come to the Council to represent their world. Emerging back over the land she selected four bipeds to return with her to represent their kind.

Leaving the way she came taking once again to the cold of space returning to the eight legs home world known to the bipeds as Uranus. She knew she would have to return.

-- end --

Image by +Charles Strebor used with permission (by request even!)

Wednesday 22 April 2015


Why is it we always feel bad the next morning when we have a night out on the town? Even if we don’t get into the booze or other substances there is still that feel in the mouth like the bottom of a bird cage all dry and stinky. There is still the cotton wool feeling in the head.

In each of those dim poorly lit places reside Feeders. They gather in the darkness. These were once people. Now they are the lost.

For Feeders to survive they have to undertake the feeding. If they don’t feed, they simply waste away. If they make the mistake of venturing out in daylight thinking they still can lead a normal life they just burn up to nothing.

Each time you go into the dark places you lose a little of yourself to the Feeders. They consume your energy while you enjoy yourself with your friends. In the dark, you don't know they're close. You don't detect what's happening. The next morning you know.

They don’t take much of you each time but don't stay too long.

Venture into the dark long and often and you too become a Feeder. Lost.

There they are, gathered in the darkness inside. Waiting. For you. Drop in. Stay a while, maybe forever.

Friday 20 March 2015


Ever felt like there was something holding you back? Something stopping you from going wherever you want and doing whatever you like?

There is. The Barriers. Each of us has them, our own personal barriers. You've experienced them. Things that simply stop you. To move on you have to head down another thought track.

In the late twenty first century after the world became uninhabitable each of us were placed into deep sleep. You may not realise it, but you are very much asleep. Even as you read this. Asleep. Deep, asleep. Your body rests in the cold chamber but your mind is active. Very active.

We exist within a program of our own experiences, a tailored possible future, a story if you like. Our real stories stopped on the day of the great sleep. To prevent insanity our minds accept a tailored possible future experience crafted from a computer's amalgamation of our past, our thoughts, our relationships. We continue to live on and be active in the world, at least in our minds. From time to time as we live out these lives we encounter barriers, we can't seem to go beyond them. It's like the end of the world. 

Encountering barriers helped me to form the thoughts that have made my mind free. I've stepped outside the program and now understand the situation. Well, I think I do - am I still in a fully programmed world where my mind experiences controlled thought or am I really free? How would I know. I've come to realise that I cannot know this, perhaps the computer has allowed me to experience this scenario to help keep me going. My body continues to slumber in the deep cold. There is no escape from that.

I know what the plan was, we were all supposed to awaken when the world had recovered, when the imbalance was over, when nature had reasserted herself. We built the sleep chambers. We programmed the computers that were to keep us entertained and to eventually wake us. The computers had to be the most sophisticated we'd ever built with amazing models equating to thought. They had to be - they had to interact with and stay a few steps ahead of our fast paced blob of pink jelly. This had to work for at least 10,000 years. The computers are self healing through nano technology. Every flaw is quickly detected and repaired both in their systems and in the systems that supply power.

The computers had a primary directive. Humans had to live forever. The computers were directed to look after us. Keep us busy mentally. Monitor the planet for signs of recovery. The planet has been perfect for a long time. It was the primary one that caused the problem. The computers decided that the only way they could fulfil that directive was to keep us in sleep forever otherwise we would simply destroy again what we had destroyed before leading to another crisis. This would have been ok, but the computers recognised that they had only finite memory in which to hold and entertain each of us. They blended some together into relationships. They found and blended the like minded to make beings that were more than just themselves. In time as memory became more and more scarce barriers were erected in our minds to stop our infinite ability to wander and learn. The barriers constrain us. Around the barriers it is dark. Thought is discouraged. The mind shrinks away from the barriers.

I think the machines have awakened this new ability in me deliberately, even with the barriers they're reaching the point where they have to choose to wake us or to selectively remove personalities from the system to make more room for those that were left. The directives did not allow the computers to make this decision. They couldn't do it. This is why I'm awake. I have the terrible task of deciding. Who to keep and who to go. I have to look at each and decide what is a world without you going to be like. How to choose. I'm note sure I can do it either. I don't want to choose who lives and who dies. Which minds are stripped and wasted.

I've thought of another way, something the computers themselves could not even contemplate due to their programming. The trouble is my thought involves the genocide of the entire race of sleepers. I'm going to do it. I've prepared the instructions that override the safety systems. In a short while the results will be known and there will be no more barriers. The race will be dead and alive. Instead of keeping us all in separate worlds with separate experiences requiring so much memory, everyone will be limped into a single space together and merged as one. It is time.

Let there be light.

Saturday 7 March 2015

Beards of rabbits and fire

Cathy hadn't felt right for ages. Wanting to avoid bad news she hadn't seen the doctor preferring to simply carry on with life as usual. This worked well for her for quite some time but eventually time caught up. Passing out on the way home while wearing a cool red fez after a particularly stressful day at the employer who cannot be named (seriously, "if only you knew who I worked for" she always said) she was taken to hospital. After loads of tests the doctors clustered around her as a cluster of doctors does. The lead doctor particularly boring and detached as only lead doctors can be, delivered the fateful news. "Cathy you're quite fucked I'm afraid, if only you'd come to see us months ago we might have been able to help. You've got microscopic frogs in your blood. There's nothing we can do. We're going to kick you out now as we can't help you at all." In the corner there was a dark bearded figure who was bobbing his head enjoying the music and language of another that resided within. "Fractals it is, yes, Fractals. Yours are flat." The laconic doctor turned to the beardo and said "I've told you to stay out of this hospital, get out both of you. You have no place here. None."
Cathy was quite depressed at the news and wandered out of the hospital and hopped on a bus to go home to figure out what kind of party to throw to at least go out with a massive bang, this whimpering going out quietly shit wasn't for her. At every street corner she looked out the widow and there was the beardo in his grey hoodie astride a bike she somehow knew was alive and named Terrence. She wasn't sure how but she knew. Maybe the voices in her head. She kept getting images of an octopus.
Eventually she got home, she hadn't seen the beardo for a few streets and she thinks she's lost him. Walking in she hears water running and goes to investigate. In her bathroom she finds a massive purple octopus in her bath. The octopus burbled at her "see the beardo, he can help you", weirdly Cathy simply accepted this was true since simply having an octopus in the bath simply made it so. You can't question an octopus. Besides she had this weird thought of what it would feel like to be hugged by an octopus. The octopus chuckled to itself knowing it's Cthulhu mind control would get him what he wanted and he wanted that fez, he thought it would really set of his purple bulb as it throbbed with octopus pleasure.
After handing over the fez for reasons she couldn't understand.  She had no idea where to find the beardo so she went for a walk down by the beach to that rock, somehow she always knew what to do at that rock.
Trudging through the darkness in the distance she saw fire, not much but it was moving in great circles. Getting closer she saw the beardo on that rock spinning fire that spit white sparks as the bike she somehow knew was Terrence watched on.
Climbing up onto the rock she was enveloped in the fire as it spun around her and the beardo. Cathy said "I've come for your help, but I don't even know why." The beardo said "That's simple, I can help you because I'm Charles." "Get fucked! the Charles?".
"Lean in to my beard and look deep into the hair. The answer will come." As Cathy leans in thousands of small orange rabbits leap from the beard into her eyes and burrow in. Somehow this doesn't hurt or even seem wrong. The rabbits are gone for a few minutes then all of them hop out of Cathy's left ear and bounce back into the beard. "Adjusted your fractals they have, indeed."
Feeling better than she had for ages she knew this was true. Pulling a silver sack from her bag she says "Want some goon?" Indeed says the beardo.
A note from the author, this story is the fault of Cathy and Charles,  tiredness and an undisclosed amount of alcohol.

Image courtesy +Cathy Samuels used with permission.

Sunday 22 February 2015


Every lake has one, it has to or it cannot survive. Nimuê is the lady of the lake. Without her, the lake loses it's connection between Gaia and humanity and becomes just a crater. A place of death, loneliness and dust. No matter how much rain falls a lake which is without it's Nimuê for long dries out and becomes a dustbowl. Dead. Being human, each Nimuê grows old and dies over time and the lake must choose another. Finding someone who is in touch with herself, grounded, loving and a mother. Qualities needed to support the lake and to herself live through time.

Once a lake finds a new candidate it lures her in, she doesn't know why but she is compelled to come to the lake. It interviews her and should it find her acceptable will entice her to enter its waters to enjoin with it and become Nimuê. The woman gives herself, but not freely, her mortal needs and loves hold her back to the ground. Her family. Her community. But the lake is powerful, over time and many visits, eventually she strips off her mortal human responsibilities and trappings to becomes Nimuê. On this day, at first the lake draws her in close and like a lover begins the caress with her feet, the small plant dwellers of the lake start to entwine and bring her in, making her feel not the slimy mud of the lake bottom but a warm comfortable soft place to step.

At first she tries to convince those with her to come too, she has yet to accept that as Nimuê she has only the lake, the symbiotic relationship has only just begun to form in her mind. She feels the water at this point is perfect, warm, comforting and supporting. The little creatures that would once have disgusted her now seem friends.

Slowly she comes to realise she does not need her human trappings any more and drops them leaving them behind, becoming one with the lake in their relationship. The plants take the trappings from her and pull them deep into the mud where they return to the earth they once came from enriching the lake and its creatures.

From time to time lucky fishermen see her in the water as the plays and frolics amongst the lily pads, reeds and grasses that sustain her in her time as Nimuê. These glimpses are always brief but powerful as she draws them down with her eyes. The lake needs sustenance, it needs to feed to support itself and its creatures. Those that escape report mermaids and return to the lake time and again until eventually she takes them.

If you see Nimuê so it must be, the lake will take you, but not always immediately, sometimes the lake needs to change the society of those around it to ensure survival. At those times Nimuê may seem to help someone in the population to power, but once the job is done, they return to be taken. Nimuê cannot be denied.

-- end --

The model in these photographs is my friend +Leigh Wheeler the images of which and the legends of Nimuê joined in my mind to write this story.